News & Events

'Caring for our communities - How local GP services have worked during COVID19'

At 4.30pm on August 5th we held our first ever live digital engagement event.

Over 40 Accord and Patient Participation group members joined us for a Zoom Webinar

The event was planned by the Accord Steering Group,  hosted by CCG Chair, Mark Webb with contributions from local GPs Dr Ekta Elston, CCG Medical Director and Dr Anupam Sinha, CCG Clinical Director for Adult Social Care along with Paul Robinson, Chair of the Local Pharmaceutical Committee and Julie Wilson, Deputy Director of Primary Care for the CCG

The session included a live Question and Answer panel where participants were able to send in their questions to the panel as the event progressed.

To view a recording of the event click on the link below

Liz Read, Chair of the Accord Steering Group said: ‘Our online event Wednesday 5th August, ‘Caring For Our Communities’, was extremely well received by those of our members who were able to take part, who found it informative and reassuring. The Steering Group would like to extend their thanks to all those who worked so hard to make it happen. We would also like to thank everyone who took the time to send us their (very positive) feedback. If you would like to view this webinar, the link is given above. I can thoroughly recommend it to anyone with an interest in local healthcare.

This year, our annual 'Getting Better Together' event will also be held online. Again, the Covid response will dominate the agenda, with presentations explaining how it has impacted our area and how the CCG and the Hospitals Trust have responded to the challenge. The Steering Group would like to extend an invitation to all our members and stakeholders, and we are sure that it will be equally successful.

Finally, on behalf of our members, the Accord Steering Group would like to send a heartfelt 'Thank you' to all those NHS employees who continue to work so hard to keep us all safe.’

The CCG will host another Zoom Webinar on September 17th from 11am to 12.15pm.  ‘Getting Better Together’  which will focus on Public Health, Hospital services and Mental Health.  More information will be released shortly.

To register please email us

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