Accord Steering Group meetings

Meeting details

Meeting notes
10th January 2018, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby
  • Minutes from December 2019 were accepted as an accurate record
  • Dementia Friends Training – group has been provided with contact details of how to book a place via Friendship at Home.
  • The Accord Steering Group meetings have all been arranged for the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 1pm-3pm at E-Factor and will take place on the below dates:
  • All but one of the group 1-1’s have been completed. Final one will be completed shortly.
  • Group members to advise when they would like a follow up Autism awareness training session. CCG Engagement Team to arrange training when needed – Action
  • Two expressions of interest were received for the roles of Chair and Vice Chair of the Steering Group (1 per role). Members approved the appointment of the new Chair & Vice Chair.  
  • The CCG Engagement Manager undertook an ‘Action Planning Session’ with the group to address concerns regarding recruitment, training and succession planning of the Steering Group.

Next meeting – 14th February, 1-3pm, E-factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby

14th February 2018, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby
  • A member of the group has stepped down due to other commitments.
  • Final group member 1-1 will be completed following this meeting. 1-1 will be with the previous chair.
  • ASG members to advise when/if they would like autism awareness training session
  • Joint Chief Executive for North East Lincolnshire Council & the CCG provided an update on the development of the ‘Union.’
  • The CCG Engagement Manager discussed arrangements for the forthcoming Way Forward event. The Accord Steering Group will be overseeing the registration, gathering of questions from the audience & dealing with attendee queries. - Action
  • CCG Engagement Manager continued the Action Planning Session started in January. It was agreed that the Accord Steering Group will focus on the role and direction of the group and how it will make Accord count. Ambassador roles will be put on hold for the time being. The Steering Group will work to form some principles around how they will critically challenge and work with the CCG around its use of the membership scheme & how the feedback they have received from members has been used to influence commissioning decisions.  
  • A discussion took place regarding how the Steering Group would feel about Accord working with wider issues as part of the ‘Union’ and not just focusing on Health/Social Care. Concern was expressed that this may lead to Accord having to wider remit. Discussion to continue at future meetings, but Accord Steering Group will be involved in the development of a joint Communications and Engagement Strategy. - Action

Next meeting – 11th April, 1-3pm, Wellington Street, Grimsby.

March - no meeting was held due to the Way Forward event

11th April 2018, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby
  • All one to ones have now been completed.
  • The group discussed the Way Forward events held on 7th & 14th March and the breakout sessions they each attended. The group agreed that on the whole, the events were a great success. Particular praise was given to the presentation by the Chief Executive of Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust.
  • The group provided their thoughts on what could be improved for future events.
    • Voting machines to be used to allow everyone to take part
    • Ideas were shared on how to improve the return rate for evaluation and Equality & Diversity forms?
    • Ensure that facilitators are clear on what is expected of them in terms of the information they provide, and the feedback they give on the progress made after the event.
  • The CCG Engagement Manager presented the organisations Quarterly Engagement Report to the group CCG Quarterly Engagement Report (January - March 2018)
  • The CCG Engagement Manager continued the Action Planning Session’s that were started at the January & February meetings. The group undertook some prioritising of their work for the year.
    • Group to review the Terms of Reference for the Accord Steering Group & the ambassador scheme
    • Members will develop a set of principles regarding the use of Accord by the CCG
    • CCG Engagement Manager to include a feature on the ‘Union’ in the next quarterly Accord newsletter.

Next meeting – Wednesday 9th May, 1-3pm, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby

9th May 2018, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby
  • CCG Engagement Manager informed the group that the Way Forward Feedback Report has been published on the Accord website and circulated to all stakeholders and Accord members in the bi-weekly bulletin.
  • All members agreed that they do not require any further Autism awareness training at this time.
  • Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG) have set up a group to look at the information that is sent to patients for appointments and inpatient admissions to ensure that it is suitable. The CCG has been approached to see if a members of the ASG would be interested in being part of the group. Two members expressed a wish to take part. CCG to inform NLaG - Action.
  • The CCG Engagement Manager continued the Action Planning Session and asked the group to read the current Accord Steering Group Terms of Reference (reviewed in 2017) and a discussion took place regarding a number of points:
    • Purpose and role of the group
    • Membership
    • Accountability and reporting.
      • A member of the CCG board attends these meetings, however the Engagement Team to investigate the possibility of a member of the CCG Senior Leadership Team attending twice a year.
    • The group decided what changes they would like making – Engagement team to rewrite the TOR & Shared Understandings.
  • Accord quarterly newsletter is currently being produced – the group was asked if they have anything they would like including. Group agreed that they would like to include a feature in the August publication – Action.
  • A member of the group praised the service he received from the Single Point of Access. They stated that more needs to be done to make people aware that it exists. Engagement Team to bring promotion material to the next meeting so that members can share these with their contacts - Action.

Next meeting – Wednesday 13th June, 1-3pm, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby

13th June 2018, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby
  • North East Lincolnshire Councils’ Public Health Team attended to discuss a Mental Health Needs assessment they are conducting in the borough. The group was asked for its’ views on how they feel mental health has change in the area in terms of local services and the thoughts of local people. The group fed back a number of comments to be included in the assessment.
  • A member of the CCG leadership team has agreed to attend the August 2018 & January 2019 meetings.
  • The CCG presented the amended Terms of Reference to the group. The group was happy with the changes made, subject to a minor amendment to item two. Once amended, the TOR will be formally ratified by the CCG. – Action
  • The CCG Engagement Manager provided a brief update on the progress/development of the ‘Union’
  • The group considered what was important to them about how the CCG engages with them:
    • A clear understanding of what the CCG wants
    • Sufficient information to form a view
    • Clear info about what the issues are
    • Opinions are valued
    • Feedback outcome and next steps – what difference has been made?
    • Feedback – honest, personalised feedback, rather than generalised
    • Timeliness – give people time to respond
    • Timeliness of feedback
    • Clear and concise information and signposting to more detail on topic
    • Why are we being asked to do this?
    • Outcomes – timescales
  • The group agreed to meet on 4th July, 12.30-2.30pm for produce some engagement standards. CCG staff will not be attending the meeting – action

Next meeting – Wednesday 8th August, 1-3pm, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby

No meeting was held in July
8th August 2018, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby
  • Amended Accord Steering Group Terms of Reference and Role Descriptions were passed by the group. These will now be taken to the Partnership Board to be endorsed.
  • The group met in July to create a pro-forma for the CCG/organisations to complete when they wish to engage with Accord. It was explained that the purpose of the pro-forma is to make people close the engagement loop in terms of feedback. It was agreed that there needs to be a set of engagement standards which operate behind the pro-forma. The group agreed to meet on Wednesday 29th August, 10.30m at E-Factor to set their engagement standards. The CCG will not attend this meeting – Action
  • The CCG Engagement Manager outlined plans for the Accord Annual Members meeting on Thursday September 13th. Group members discussed their roles on the day.
  • CCG Quarterly Engagement Report (April - June 2018) was presented to the group, and a short discussion followed regarding recruitment to the Accord membership having slowed.

Next meeting – Thursday 13th September, 10am-1pm, Humber Royal Hotel, Grimsby

    No meeting was held in September due to the Accord Annual Meeting being held
    10th October 2018, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby
    • The amended Accord Steering Group (ASG) Terms of Reference have now been ratified by the Governing Body (formerly the Partnership Board)
    • Vacancies on the ASG were promoted at the Accord Annual Meeting, which resulted in 5 people expressing an interest. Due to a resignation to the group prior to the meeting, there is now a need to recruit 3 new members. CCG to send out expression of interest forms to the interested parties, and a couple of group members will then meet with them to decide who will be offered a place on the group. Members expressed a wish for someone from the CCG to be on the panel – action.
    • The CCGs’ Engagement Manager informed the group that the results of voting at the Accord Annual Meeting showed overwhelming support for the development of a joint engagement strategy and standards. The group agreed that before expanding the remit of Accord, a discussion needs to take place with the wider membership - action.

    Next meeting – Wednesday 14th November, 1-3pm, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby

    14th November 2018, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby          
    • Expressions of interest were sent out to the five people interested in joining the Accord Steering Group. Two new members have been recruited. The three other interested parties could not progress their interest due to other commitments.
    • The Accord Annual Meeting feedback report has been circulated to all attendees, Accord members and stakeholders.
      • The event evaluation reports (which included ASG comments) have been through CCG Senior Management and will influence future CCG presentations at events. The Leadership Team have agreed that at the Way Forward event in March, the CCG update will focus on one or two specific topics.
    • The CCGs’ Engagement Manager provided an overview of the Humber Acute Services Review (HASR) and the Citizens Panel which is being set up to look at the potential scenarios they have been developing and the options which are being looked at. The panel aims to provide a local perspective on the plans. The review is looking for 5 panel members from each CCG area – 2 of these have been set aside for the ASG. CCG to email all ASG members with the information so that people can decide if they wish to join the panel. Action
    • An update was provided on the development of the Joint Engagement Strategy. An Engagement Plan will be developed and the group was asked to let the CCG know of any questions they feel need to be included in any surveys etc. Action
    • It was agreed that an email will be sent to the rest of the group to ask their thoughts on moving the meetings to Centre4 – Action

    Next meeting – Wednesday 12th December, 1-3pm, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby

    11th December 2018, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby
    • 2 members of the ASG are sitting on the HASR Citizens Panel. It has been announced that 5 engagement events will take place in the new year, with clinicians in attendance at all of these.
    • It has been agreed that the venue for future ASG meetings will be Centre4, with the first meeting there being in February.
    • The Engagement Manager provided an update on the development of the Joint Engagement Strategy, and that a small Steering Group has been set up to oversee the work. The group was asked to think about what links they have within the community and who needs to be spoken to during the engagement process - action.
    • ASG to look at the recently introduced ‘you said we did’ on North East Lincolnshire Councils website – action.
    • The next Accord newsletter will go out early in the New Year. Members were asked to consider whether they have anything they would like including and a number of suggestions were provided
    • ASG to produce some timescales to add as guidance to their Engagement pro-forma - action.


    Next meeting - Wednesday 9th January, 1-3pm, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby

    9th January 2019, E-Factor, Wellington Street, Grimsby
    • Two members of the group gave updates on the Humber Acute Services Review workshop they attended before Christmas. Queries were raised regarding the timescales that the review is working to, and how it will allow sufficient time for public views to be taken into account.
    • The CCG Engagement Manager gave a brief recap on the work taking place to develop the CCG/NELC Joint Engagement Strategy, and highlighted the need to start developing a series of questions to ask people during the engagement process.
      • The CCGs’ Assistant Director for Strategic Planning reaffirmed the comments given at previous meetings, that there is a genuine commitment from the leadership teams at both the CCG & Local Authority to engage with the local community. The Joint Chief Executive sees the strategy as an important tool in improving the borough for everyone.
      • Concerns were raised that Accord may lose members due to the closer working relationship with NELC. A discussion took place around this, and it was suggested that a potential topic for the Accord Annual Members Meeting in September, could be the closer working with NELC.
      • A number of suggestions for questions for inclusion in the engagement strategy work were given including:
        • What are peoples past experiences?
        • Did they get feedback?
        • How satisfied were you?
        • How much of a difference do you think your involvement made?
        • Why do people get involved? What drew you to get involved?
        • What needs to happen to get people to have their say?
        • Why don’t people get involved?
    • The Assistant Director for Strategic Planning gave a short presentation on the recently released NHS Long Term Plan. This was given as an addition to the agenda.
    • A discussion took place around the topics which could be discussed at the Way Forward meetings in March. The Engagement Manager asked for the group to consider what they would like to be discussed, and to email the Engagement Team with any suggestions by Friday 18th January – Action.

    Next meeting - Wednesday 20th February, 1-3pm, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby

    20th February, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby
    • CCG Engagement Manager gave an overview of the NHS England Integrated Assessment Framework for community engagement and asked for their views on where the CCG is at in relation to each category. It was agreed that meeting notes, Steering Group role descriptions & terms of reference would be published on the Accord website. The CCG has to submit evidence of its work in relation to the following, and the submission must be signed off by the Accountable Officer prior to submission to NHS England.
      • Governance - Lay Member & Community Leads involvement
      • CCG Annual Report
      • Day to day practice – this is where the Accord website will be used to evidence our work
      • Feedback & evaluation – this includes event feedback reports, ‘You Said We Did’ reports & the role of the Steering Group in evaluating events.
      • Health inequalities, Equality & Diversity.
    • The CCG Engagement Manager advised that as the group suggested at the last meeting, the Way forward in March will focus on the NHS Long Term Plan which was released in January. The event will be held jointly with Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG). There will be presentations from the Joint Chief Executive of North East Lincolnshire CCG and North East Lincolnshire Council, as well as the Chief Executive of NLaG. Both presentations will address the topic of ‘workforce’ which is a key theme in the NHS Long Term Plan. There will also be a presentation from the CCG around developments within Primary Care in North East Lincolnshire, which will also include some engagement using the CCGs’ voting handsets. The Steering Group gave direction on content and format, and asked this be fed through to NLaG and the CCG. An email will be sent out nearer the time with details of the ASGs’ role at the event - Action
    • North East Lincolnshire Council’s Public Health Team have approached the CCG to see whether a member of the Accord Steering Group would like to work with them on a new Health Needs Assessment (HNA). The HNA will look at the scale and vulnerability in children and young people in North East Lincolnshire.  One member of the group expressed an interest in taking part, and their details will be passed onto Public Health - Action
    • A query was raised regarding the TV Screens within the reception areas at Scartho Medical Centre, and why the Accord poster is not appearing on these. CCG to find out who controls the information which appears on these screens – Action. A later discussion with the CCG Communications Team confirmed that whilst some screens are controlled by the CCG, Scartho Medical Centre is not one of them.
    • A member of the group has now taken on the role of acting as a link between the Accord Steering Group, and the Patient Participation Group Chairs meeting for North East Lincolnshire

    Next meeting - Wednesday 10th April, 1-3pm, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby         

    No meeting was held in March due to the Way Forward events
    10th April 2019, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby
    • It was agreed that future meetings would be moved to the first Wednesday of the month, to coincide with the meeting of the Community Forum.
    • A discussion took place regarding the feedback received from attendees at the Way Forward events held in March. It was agreed that overall, feedback for both meetings was very positive. The group made a number of suggestions as to how the Question & Answer panels could be improved in future, and a further discussion took place regarding a possible change in format for the Getting Better Together events, which will be held in September.
    • The CCG presented its Engagement Report for the period covering October – December 2018. It was noted that there has been a drop in the number of Accord members over this period.
    • The CCG Engagement Manager provided an update on the Joint Engagement Strategy being developed by the CCG & North East Lincolnshire Council:
      • Meetings have taken place with a number of local organisations, to find out how people want us to engage with them. The feedback from these meetings will be used to develop a set of ‘standards’ for how both organisations will engage with the population of North East Lincolnshire.
      • A draft strategy will be written in the coming weeks, which will then be shared with the Accord Steering Group for comment. Action
    • The CCG will be undertaking some engagement to find out the views of people who have accessed Children & Young People’s Bowel & Bladder services in the borough. An information leaflet has been developed, and the group were asked for their comments on its design & content. It was agreed that the leaflet would be emailed out for members to comment. Action

    Next meeting – Wednesday 8th May, 1-3pm, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby.

    8th May 2019, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby
    • The CCG Engagement Manager provided an update on the development of the Joint Engagement Strategy.
      • The plan is to have a summary document which will set out how we will engage with the community, and the standards that both organisations will work to. There will also be a more detailed document which will include all the relevant legislation.
      • The Engagement Strategy Steering Group have decided that it is best to write the detailed strategy first, and then pull out the sections which need to be included in the summary.
        • A number of questions were raised including:
          • Q - What is the timescale for progressing from a draft document, to a final version?
            • A – Work is ongoing to create a more detailed document which we can take out for engagement during June & July.
          • Q - Who will be making sure that staff follow the strategy?
            • A – We need to ensure that we involve people in the development of the strategy, to ensure that it is followed.
          • Q - Will professionals undertaking engagement receive another document?
            • A - The strategy is for everyone; however, professionals will also receive a tool kit on how to implement the strategy when undertaking service design.
      • Planning to go out to engagement in June/July, with a drop in session being held somewhere in NE Lincs. A number of venue suggestions were made.
    • A discussion took place regarding the Accord Ambassadors Training, which the CCG has previously provided. The Ambassador scheme was highlighted as a priority in the Steering Group Action Plan which was developed in 2018. The CCG has been made aware of some training which has been provided to a local community group by external trainers, which may be of interest. The course trains people to be ‘community researchers.’ It was agreed that the CCG would find out more information regarding the training, and feedback at a future meeting. Action
    • The CCG presented its Engagement Report for the quarter January – March 2019. It was noted that the number of Accord members has continued to drop since the change to Data Protection law in May 2018. Work will take place to try to contact members who have moved, so that they can be retained on the database. It was explained that this Engagement Report would be one way of showing whether we are meeting the aims of the new Engagement Strategy.
    • A question was raised under Any Other Business as to the cost per call of NHS 111 to the CCG. The CCGs’ Contracts Team later confirmed the cost per call during 2019-20 is £11.40.

    Next meeting Wednesday 5th June, 1-3pm, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby

    June 2019, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby
    • The Engagement Manager explained that the ‘Community Researcher’ training discussed at the May meeting may not be relevant to Accord as it appears to be specifically focused on smoking in pregnancy.
    • The Engagement Manager provided an update on the Joint Engagement Strategy. There will be a public facing ‘community strategy’ document and a framework/toolkit for staff.  It was agreed that the Engagement Manager would find out how the Strategy fits in with the NHS Long Term Plan, and that the Strategy would be circulated to the Steering Group for comment. Action
    • The Group were asked if they would like to hold the ‘Getting Better Together’ event in a different format in September. Action – it was agreed that there would be a marketplace with stalls engaging with people about different services. There will also be presentations/workshops/discussion groups that people can choose to attend.
    • It was agreed that the Accord GP TV Screen poster needs a refresh. Action - Engagement Team to provide a couple of designs to bring to the next meeting.

    Next meeting - Wednesday 3rd July 2019, 1-3pm, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby

    3rd July 2019, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby
    • A layout has been produced for the Getting Better Together event, and a discussion took place regarding potential stall holders for the market place, and topics for the presentations/workshops. Stalls could include NHS Digital, Re-enablement & social prescribing.
    • An update on the development of the Joint Engagement Strategy was given and the group were advised that since the last meeting, work has taken place with CCG staff & the voluntary sector. The Engagement Team will be producing an Accord newsletter which will be sent out as part of the engagement activity for the Strategy. Members of the Group were asked to think about how they can hold the CCG to account on the engagement commitment.
    • The CCG shared information on the NHS Long Term Plan Engagement event which is taking place at Grimsby Town Hall on Monday 22nd July. The event is being co-ordinated by the Humber, Coast & Vale Partnership and is the only event being held on the South Bank – it will look at how the regional health system will deliver on the promises of the Long Term Plan. Members were invited to attend the event.

    Next meeting Wednesday 7th August, 1-3pm, Centre4

    7th August, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby
    • Engagement Team to arrange for the Director of Public Health to attend a future meeting to discuss the Health & Wellbeing Framework.
    • The CCG Communications Team gave a presentation on the GP TV Screen system, to help aid a discussion on how to promote Accord in Practices. The Group were shown a number of potential poster designs to be displayed on GP TV, and comments were given. Communications Team to amend/produce some new designs based on Group comments, to bring back to the next meeting in October – Action
    • An update was given on the September engagement event and an up to date list of stallholders. The Group were asked to arrive at the venue for 9am to start registration. CCG AGM will follow the event at 1.30pm.
    • All the outreach events for the Engagement Strategy have been arranged. The final Strategy will go to a Union Board workshop in October, prior to being ratified at Union Board in November.

    Next meeting - Wednesday 9th October, 1-3pm, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby

      No meeting was held in September, due to the Getting Better Together events
    9th October, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby
    • Director of Public Health is due to attend the December meeting to discuss the Health and Wellbeing Framework.
    • The Group asked if the Patient Advice & Liaison Service at the Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Trust could attend to discuss the appointment letters which are sent out to patients. CCG Engagement Team to arrange – Action
    • A discussion took place regarding the Getting Better Together events, with the Group providing feedback to be included in the overall evaluation, which will be presented at the November meeting.
    • The draft Joint Engagement Strategy has now been published on the CCG & North East Lincolnshire Council websites, and a survey has been produced to collect views & feedback. The survey closes on October 28th. The Group were asked to share the survey and draft strategy with their contacts - Action
    • A member of the group has resigned since the last meeting, and as such, there is a need to recruit some new members to the Steering Group. A discussion took place regarding how to engage with members who are not taking up opportunities to have their say, and how to recruit to the Steering Group & Accord. A number of items were raised during this discussion, and it was agreed that these would be added to the agenda for the next meeting – Action
    • The CCG providing information on a number of opportunities to sit on People’s Panels for the procurement of Care at Home services, and the support service to the Voluntary & Community Sector. The Group were asked to let the Engagement Team know if any of them would be interested in sitting on either of the panels – Action

    Next meeting – Wednesday 6th November, 1-3pm, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby

    6th November, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby
    • The Patient Access Team & Patient Advice & Liaison Service at the Hospital Trust attended to discuss the appointment letters which are sent out to patients when they’re referred for treatment and outlined the work taking place to improve communications with patients.  It was agreed that the Trust would attend a future meeting to provide an update on the progress being made – Action
    • A session took place to look at the development of the Steering Group, its role and how they can increase engagement with the wider membership. Discussions were held around the following points:
      • How we can increase the number of people reading Accord emails?
      • In order to recruit people, the Steering Group needs to show what it’s achievements have been.
      • In order to feedback on what the group does, it was agreed that there will be a standing agenda item for future meetings for feedback – Action
      • The Group expressed a wish to work more strategically and be involved in more relevant meetings to allow them to focus on making Accord count and give it more influence. The CCG would like a member of the Accord Steering Group to sit on the newly formed Engagement Steering Group, which was set up to develop the strategy, and will now oversee its implementation. The Group felt this was important that they are represented – Engagement Team to progress this – Action
    • It was asked that the Chair of the CCG attend a future meeting to discuss how he see’s Accord fitting in with the Union arrangements going forward – Action.
    • It was agreed that the Accord Ambassador Scheme relaunch would be added to the agenda for a meeting early in the New Year – Action
    • The CCG expressed a wish to extend the current members terms of office for another 2-year period. It was agreed that an email would be sent to any members not at the meeting regarding their term of office being extended, and if so, the CCG would progress with this. - Action
    • The terms of office for the current Chair & Vice Chair of the Accord Steering Group are coming to an end. Both are happy to stay on for another term. The CCG asked all to consider if they would like to put themselves forward for either of the roles – Action

    Next meeting - Wednesday 4th December, 1-3pm, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby

    4th December, Centre4, Wootton Road, Grimsby
    • Terms of Office for all Group members have been extended, as the Terms of Office now state that members can serve three terms of three years in office.
    • An update on Patient Transport will be given at the February meeting
    • Since the last meeting, the Union Board have ratified the Joint Engagement Strategy. The Engagement Strategy Steering Group will now oversee the implementation of the Strategy, and its membership will be amended to reflect this new role. The ASG have been allocated a place, and Members were asked if they would like to be considered for the role.
    • The CCG Chair attended to provide an update on the development of the Union, and to discuss how Accord can work as part of the Union. The priorities for the Union are – healthy population weight, Cancer, prevention and self-management of long term conditions, mental health, wellbeing in the workplace, and use of digital technology

    Next meeting Wednesday 8th January, 1-3pm, Centre4, Grimsby