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Young People's Digital Mental Health Support Survey

Your voice needs to be heard! Please share your feedback on digital mental health support.

Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership are wanting to collect information regarding what young people want and need from digital mental health support in the local area.

It’s really important that you are able to access support for your mental health, emotional health or wellbeing in a way that works for you. This might be information and advice or a service such as. Counselling, CAMHS, group work etc.

In the past most services were offered face to face but we are trying to improve access using digital technology so young people have a choice in how they access support. This survey will help us know what works best for young people.

The survey is anonymous and will help improve services in the future and ensure they make a difference to young people like yourself who needed support. There is an option to leave contact details at the end if you would like to be more involved but if not, your anonymous views will still be included. You can be in with a chance of winning a 2021 iPad Mini 64GB.

The questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes to answer, we thank you for your time.

*Hull and East Yorkshire Mind will be leading on this piece of work. Your data will be stored safely and securely. Data will be anonymously shared with the relevant Public Health departments across the Humber, Coast and Vale footprint.

Complete the survey here >

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